Friday, 27 July 2012

Calls to Punish Bad Language in Football

There are calls from top officials in British football to clamp down on the use of bad language in the game. Many believe the reputation of English soccer was badly damaged this week during the trial of former England captain John Terry. Mr Terry, also captain of Premier League side Chelsea, was accused of using racially and sexually offensive language towards Anton Ferdinand, a player with Queens Park Rangers. The court found Terry not guilty of the charges but the case has brought to light the level of foul and abusive language used by players in Britain. Gordon Taylor, CEO of the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA), believes that the image of English football has suffered at the trial this week.

PFA chairman Clarke Carlisle believes there should now be a clampdown on bad language. He said the laws of world football's governing body, FIFA, allow the referee to send a player off for "using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures". Mr Carlisle said: "If players were sent off and banned because of the language, it would cause them to address their behaviour. It would cause the clubs to clamp down on it too." Lord Ouseley, chairman of the anti-racism group Kick it Out, said: "I think at the highest level of football it's got to stop because these are people who are highly paid role models, they influence their fans." However, both Terry and Ferdinand said bad language on the pitch was "acceptable".



1. Reputation[rep-pyu-tey-shun]
Meaning: (noun)- overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general
Example sentence: He has earned a reputation as a good English teacher.

2. Accused [ ak-kyust]
Meaning: (noun)- one charged with an offense especially the defendant in a criminal case.
Example sentence: He was accused of cheating during their final examination.

3. Offensive [off-fen-siv]
Meaning: (adjective)- unpleasant or painful things [through words or actions] that can hurt someone's feelings and reputation.
Example: He made some offensive remarks against some politicians during his speech.

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