Two Japanese inventors have unveiled a gadget that can stop someone from talking. The device they call the Speech Jammer literally jams people’s speech. It prevents a speaker from getting the words out of his or her mouth. Kazutaka Kurihara and Koji Tsukada from Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology developed the prototype "gun" that is pointed at someone from a distance and stops them talking. It does not physically harm the person it hits.
The technology is based on medical devices used to help people with speech problems such as stuttering. It uses a system called Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) that plays someone’s voice back to them at a split-second delay.
Messrs. Tsukada and Kurihara said they wanted to create something that would stop people talking too much in discussions. They wrote: “We have to establish and obey rules for proper turn-taking. However, some people tend to lengthen their turns or deliberately disrupt other people when it is their turn rather than achieve more fruitful discussions.”
They added: “We utilized DAF to develop a device that can remotely jam physically unimpaired people's speech whether they want it or not.” Other uses of their device include maintaining silence in public libraries and aiding peace-making. “There are still many cases in which the negative aspects of speech become a barrier to the peaceful resolution of conflicts,” they said.
1. unveiled [AN-VEYLD]
Meaning: (verb) Show or announce publicly for the first time;
to let everybody knows about something
Example Sentence: She unveiled the truth that she never
graduated from Tokyo University.
Meaning: (verb) Talk with continued involuntary repetition of
sounds, esp. initial consonants.
***This is also considered a speech disease.
Example Sentence: It is very difficult to pronounce some English words. I stutter sometimes.
3. Messrs./Messieurs [MES-ZI-YURS]
Meaning: (noun) Messieurs (plural of Mister); It is often used
with the names of two or more men in the name of a
Example Sentence: Messrs. Taka and Hiroki are one of the best CEO in Japan.
1. What is this article all about?
2. Do you like to talk or to listen to someone's talking? Why?
3. Are you interested with gadgets?
4. Are there sometimes that you want to stop someone from talking? In what situation?
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