Gone seem to be the days when women dragged their bored and fed-up-looking men around shopping malls. The new research from Stanford University has revealed that men are now just as avid and compulsive shoppers as their female counterparts. Researcher Dr Lorrin Koram said that the numbers of men who indulge in unnecessary shopping sprees has rocketed: "That's the biggest surprise -- men engage in this behavior almost as commonly as women," he said.
This finding runs counter to the conventional and rather stereotyped view that compulsive buying is very much a "woman's disease." Dr. Koram said trends and figures may have been unfairly skewed as male obsessive shoppers used to be more reluctant than women to recognize that they have a problem and then come forward and admit it. He pointed out that: "Generally, in psychiatry, men seek care less often than women…It's not 'manly' to seek help." And help seems to be exactly what the doctor ordered for any compulsive shopper, who is usually not made any happier by his or her relentless buying.
Dr Koram warned: "It's always important to encourage people who have these types of disorders to seek treatment." Many find themselves laden with debt and filled with shame and suicidal tendencies as they attempt to hide their addiction.
1. Bombarded [BOOM-BAR-DED]
Meaning: (verb) to attack verbally, esp with questions.
Example Sentence: The journalists bombarded her with questions.
2. Compulsive buying [KuM-PUL-siV-BA-YING]
Meaning: (noun) An unhealthy obsession with shopping that materially interferes with the daily life of the afflicted. ; Buying things immediately even though it is not useful.
Example Sentence: If I saw something beautiful in my eye while in the mall, I do compulsive buying.
3. Indulge [IN-DALJ]
Meaning: (verb)To engage or take part, especially freely
Example Sentence: Whenever I am stressed, I indulge to eating chocolates.
4. Shopping spree [SHA-PINGS-PREE]
meaning: (noun)A shopping spree denotes a playful attitude in a single shopping trip where lots of money is spent.
Example Sentence: If the shopping mall is on sale, I like doing shopping spree.
5. Stereotyped [IS-TEER-YU-TAYPD]
Meaning: (adjective) Based on a traditional thinking; what is commonly known
Example Sentence: Being shy is a stereotyped behavior of Japanese men.
6. Skewed [is-KYUD]
Meaning (adjective): Placed or turned to one side
Example Sentence: They accused them of skewing the rules in their favor.
7. Reluctant [RE-LooK-TANT]
Meaning (Adjective) Showing unwillingness to do something.
Example Sentence: We were reluctant of involving ourselves in the war.
1. Are you a compulsive shopper?
2. Does going shopping make you feel happy?
3. Do you spend more than you earn?
4. Do you know anyone suffering an addiction of shopping?
5. Do you buy things you may not even want or never need or use?
Meaning: (verb) to attack verbally, esp with questions.
Example Sentence: The journalists bombarded her with questions.
2. Compulsive buying [KuM-PUL-siV-BA-YING]
Meaning: (noun) An unhealthy obsession with shopping that materially interferes with the daily life of the afflicted. ; Buying things immediately even though it is not useful.
Example Sentence: If I saw something beautiful in my eye while in the mall, I do compulsive buying.
3. Indulge [IN-DALJ]
Meaning: (verb)To engage or take part, especially freely
Example Sentence: Whenever I am stressed, I indulge to eating chocolates.
4. Shopping spree [SHA-PINGS-PREE]
meaning: (noun)A shopping spree denotes a playful attitude in a single shopping trip where lots of money is spent.
Example Sentence: If the shopping mall is on sale, I like doing shopping spree.
Meaning: (adjective) Based on a traditional thinking; what is commonly known
Example Sentence: Being shy is a stereotyped behavior of Japanese men.
6. Skewed [is-KYUD]
Meaning (adjective): Placed or turned to one side
Example Sentence: They accused them of skewing the rules in their favor.
7. Reluctant [RE-LooK-TANT]
Meaning (Adjective) Showing unwillingness to do something.
Example Sentence: We were reluctant of involving ourselves in the war.
So true. Interesting that it is so often considered a women's issue. I think men suffering from this problem could get a lot out of this information http://www.psychalive.org/2012/12/compulsive-shopping/
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