Monday, 29 October 2012

Goodbye Hair Loss

A biotechnology company in the UK says it is working on a new technology to help cure an age-old problem – hair loss. Intercytex Ltd.,a UK Regenerative Medicine product and services company launched in Nov 2010, has developed a robot that will be able to implant cells in areas of the scalp where hair loss has taken place. It seems the fight to treat baldness may at last be won. 

The company has already tested a procedure whereby hair follicles are taken from the back of the neck, multiplied a thousand-fold under clinical conditions and then re-implanted onto the head. The revolutionary technique is set to bring relief to millions of men and women around the world who are embarrassed, sometimes to the point of suicide, by their hair loss. Gone may be the days of wearing wigs or of brushing hair across the head to hide bald patches.

Intercytex has been awarded a $3.6 million grant from Britain’s government to bring the technology to fruition. Initial tests were conducted on seven men, five of whom are now growing new and healthy hair. Another 20 men are on standby to be guinea pigs. Jonathon Malvern, a balding 26-year-old, says he cannot wait to try the new wonder cure: “I started thinning on top when I was just 19,” he said. 

He also said that having a receding hairline has affected his confidence: “I always worry about looking older than I really am and of not finding a partner in life.” He said he had tried several hair replacement treatments but complained they were a waste of time and money: “It’s not just the cost,” he explained, “it’s also the trauma of the surgery being unsuccessful. Having a full head of hair is my dream”.


1.Biotechnology [BA-YO-TEK-NO-LO-GEE]
Meaning: (noun) Biotechnology is the use of biological processes, 

organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve 

the quality of human life.

Example Sentence: Implanting stem cells is one of biotechnology ways to bring back old human cells.

2. Cure [KYUR]

Meaning: (noun) a recovery or relief from a disease
Example Sentence: Doctors can easily cure some human diseases because of modern technology.

3. Baldness

Meaning: (noun) A condition of a person who doesn't have enough hair especially at the head. We call the person with this condition bald.
Example Sentence: Our family has a history of baldness so I might be bald when I grow old.

4. Follicle [Fo-lee-kEL]
Meaning: (noun) A small, protective sac, gland, or cluster of cells in the body.

5. Fruition [Froo-shun]

Meaning: (noun) Realization of something desired or worked for; an accomplishment or success to something.
Example Sentence: Smartphones are just some fruition of the modern technology.

1. What is the article all about?
2. Do you think men worry too much about baldness?
3. Do you think baldness is attractive in men and women?
4. Does baldness make people look older or younger? Why?
5. Would you wear a wig if you are experiencing baldness?

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